Sponsor Songfest
Sponsor Songfest
Donations for Songfest 2024 are being accepted! At this juncture, donations will go toward supporting Songfest and all the benefiting philanthropies.
Thank you for your support in putting on this show that we are so passionate about.
If you would like to mail a check instead, or have any questions about donating, please email Maggie & Kesteren at songfestsponsorship@gmail.com.
Choose a Category for your donation:
Our Sponsorship Levels
For a downloadable version of the image to the left for check mailing purposes, click here.
Dear Charitable Supporters,
Songfest is a non-profit philanthropy event that relies solely on the generosity of its financial sponsors and supporters. Historically, companies, families, professionals, and individuals who believe in Songfest's purpose have donated their time, work, or assets to make Songfest possible.